Channel: 歴史と経済と医療の未来予測・歴史経済波動学
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ホーキング博士、モンティ・パイソンの楽曲をカバー     2015.04.15 Wed posted at 11:36 JST


(CNN) 難病のALS(筋萎縮性側索硬化症)のため車いすで活動する理論物理学者のスティーブン・ホーキング氏がこのほど、英コメディーグループ「モンティ・パイソン」の映画のカバー曲を収録した。







● Motor Neuron Disease. つまり随意筋に命令・電気信号を送る神経細胞が慢性的に

● 彼は車いすの天才理論物理学者として有名ですし、最近では映画・博士と彼女のセオリーが

● 子供を三人作り、最後は奥さんと別れますが、映画を見ての感想はまず彼の病気の起源が

● かの有名な、中共の毛沢東もALSであった、と本で読みました。日本の有名人では徳洲会の徳田虎雄

● 毛沢東は、毎晩違う若い女性を相手にしていたと言われています。歴代中国の皇帝の習慣の

● 想像では、徳田虎雄も支配欲の強い・あのような人ですから性活動も活発であったと

● ALSの原因は不明という事ですが、私のセオリーによれば、わからないときはウイルスを

● つまり、性行動の活発な人・又は活発な相手がいる人は、ウイルスに感染してALSを発症する

● ポリオウイルスか又はそれに類似したウイルスの慢性感染症と言う事です。

● 原因究明の為の憶測推測ですから、関係者の皆さんは怒らないでください。お願いします。  


Home :: Forums :: DEGENERATIVE DISEASES :: Multiple Sclerosis

Are Multiple Sclerosis And Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Sexually Transmitted Diseases?

Tagged: Multiple Sclerosis

Mornir Dunjic M.D., M.Sc., Cert. ORT-MD (I Dan); Assist. Prof. School of Medicine Pristina. Head of Department of Gynecological Endocrinology OB/GYN Clinic Pristina.

Milan Jevremovic M.D., Ph.D., Prof. Emeritus School of Medicine Belgrade; Editor-in-chief International Journal of Thymology.

Biljana Dunjic M.D. Department of Neonatology, OB/GYN Clinic Pristina.

Nenad Sulovic M.D., M.Sc., Assist. Prof. School of Medicine Pristina. Head of Department of High Risk Pregnancy, OB/GYN Clinic Pristina.

Slobodan Dunjic M.D., M.Sc., Pharmaceutical Company "Zorka Pharma".

Miodrag Stanisic, M.D., Department of Surgery, Clinical Center Pristina.



INTRODUCTION: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is one of the most frequently seen neurological diseases, with unknown etiology and unpredictable course. Amyotrophic Laterasl Sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive fatal neuromuscular condition affecting nerve pathway, and brain and spinal cord cells.

MATERIAL AND METHOD: Two patients with ALS and 10 patients with MS were examined by indirect Bi-Digital O-Ring Test (BDORT), based on the original work by Prof. Omura Y. Patients were between 26 and 46 years of age. Out of ALS patients, one was male and another was female. Two patients with MS were males, while 8 were females. The slides (ORT Life Research Laboratory-Japan and Carolina Biological Supply-USA) as well as various drugs used to determine the types of infections were utilized as referential substances for examination, such as: EPA/DHA capsule 180/120 mg (MIC Epa, USA) for determination of viral infections; Ampicillin 500 mg (Krka, Slovenia) for aerobe bacterial infections; Orvagyl (metronidazol) 400 mg (ICN-Galenika Yugoslavia) for anaerobe infections; Mycoseb (ketocoriazole) 200 mg (Zorka Pharma, Yugoslavia) for determination of fungal infections, especially caused by Candida albicans.

RESULTS: According to findings obtained by indirect BDORT all patients with ALS and MS were found to have infection of urogenital system and the identical infection of parieto-occipital parts of brain pertaining to senso-motor cortex. The quantity of mercury deposit in tissues, whose concentration was measured, indicated that the primary infection was in genitourinary system. Likewise, the anamnesis confirmed that initial symptoms were those related to genital and urinary tract infections and they preceded the neurological symptoms. While talking with patients and their sexual partners, we have learnt that one of them was regularly promiscuous.

All patients had mixed infection. The underlying infection was caused by Chlamydia trachomatis found in all patients and associated with other communicable agents. Four patients had Ebstein bar virus, two had CMV, two had HSV 2, three had associated CMV and HSV 2, and one patient had associated CNW+HSV 2+HSV 6; eleven patients had Candida albicans; one patient had Naiseria gonorrhoe, seven had E.Colli, two Enterobacter aerogenes, and two Staphilococcus aureus+E.Colli.

DISCUSSION: This BDORT findings indicate that it is possible to make an early diagnosis and at that etiologic diagnosis in neurological patients; having all this in mind, standard laboratory test should be performed for verification of the results and causal treatment directed against the causes and not symptoms of a diseases should be applied. Likewise, the results suggest that the infection is transmitted by sexual contact, therefore, the development and spread of the diseases may be prevented by education of population in terms of using the preventive mechanic devices and changing the lifestyle.


By Mornir Dunjic; Milan Jevremovic; Biljana Dunjic and Nenad Sulovic

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