★ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12843765?dopt=Abstract
Epidemiology. 2003 Jul;14(4):420-6; discussion 427-8.
Neurodegenerative diseases in welders and other workers exposed to high levels of magnetic fields.
Håkansson N1, Gustavsson P, Johansen C, Floderus B.
Previous work has suggested an increase in risk of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Alzheimer's disease among workers exposed to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields (ELF-MF). We evaluated the relation between ELF-MF from occupational exposures and mortality from neurodegenerative diseases.
The study was based on a cohort of Swedish engineering industry workers, comprising 537,692 men and 180,529 women. The cohort was matched against the 3 most recent censuses and The Causes of Death Registry. Levels of ELF-MF exposure were obtained by linking occupation according to the censuses to a job exposure matrix. We used 4 levels of exposure and considered both the primary and contributing causes of death, 1985-96.
The risk of Alzheimer's disease as primary or contributing cause of death increased with increasing exposure to ELF-MF among both men and women, with a relative risk (RR) of 4.0 and a 95% confidence interval (95% CI) of 1.4-11.7 in the highest exposure group for both sexes combined. There was a RR of 2.2 (95% CI: 1.0-4.7) for ALS in the highest exposure group with the suggestion of an exposure-response relationship. No evidence of increased risk was seen for Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis.
The findings support previous observations of an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease and ALS among employees occupationally exposed to ELF-MF. Further studies based on morbidity data are warranted.
Comment in
Occupational exposures and neurodegenerative diseases. [Epidemiology. 2004]
◎ 一言要約。スェーデンのおける、機械工業作業員、537692人の男性、180529人の女性の
★ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20189317
Med Hypotheses. 2010 Jun;74(6):1086-7. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2010.01.033. Epub 2010 Feb 26.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease) is caused by electric currents applied to or induced in the body: it is an iatrogenic disease of athletes caused by use of electrotherapy devices.
Milham S.
◎ 一言要約。
★ http://www.encognitive.com/node/4730
Are Multiple Sclerosis And Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Sexually Transmitted Diseases?
Tagged: Multiple Sclerosis
Mornir Dunjic M.D., M.Sc., Cert. ORT-MD (I Dan); Assist. Prof. School of Medicine Pristina. Head of Department of Gynecological Endocrinology OB/GYN Clinic Pristina.
Milan Jevremovic M.D., Ph.D., Prof. Emeritus School of Medicine Belgrade; Editor-in-chief International Journal of Thymology.
Biljana Dunjic M.D. Department of Neonatology, OB/GYN Clinic Pristina.
Nenad Sulovic M.D., M.Sc., Assist. Prof. School of Medicine Pristina. Head of Department of High Risk Pregnancy, OB/GYN Clinic Pristina.
Slobodan Dunjic M.D., M.Sc., Pharmaceutical Company "Zorka Pharma".
Miodrag Stanisic, M.D., Department of Surgery, Clinical Center Pristina.
INTRODUCTION: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is one of the most frequently seen neurological diseases, with unknown etiology and unpredictable course. Amyotrophic Laterasl Sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive fatal neuromuscular condition affecting nerve pathway, and brain and spinal cord cells.
MATERIAL AND METHOD: Two patients with ALS and 10 patients with MS were examined by indirect Bi-Digital O-Ring Test (BDORT), based on the original work by Prof. Omura Y. Patients were between 26 and 46 years of age. Out of ALS patients, one was male and another was female. Two patients with MS were males, while 8 were females. The slides (ORT Life Research Laboratory-Japan and Carolina Biological Supply-USA) as well as various drugs used to determine the types of infections were utilized as referential substances for examination, such as:
EPA/DHA capsule 180/120 mg (MIC Epa, USA) for determination of viral infections;
Ampicillin 500 mg (Krka, Slovenia) for aerobe bacterial infections;
Orvagyl (metronidazol) 400 mg (ICN-Galenika Yugoslavia) for anaerobe infections;
Mycoseb (ketocoriazole) 200 mg (Zorka Pharma, Yugoslavia) for determination of fungal infections, especially caused by Candida albicans.
RESULTS: According to findings obtained by indirect BDORT all patients with ALS and MS were found to have infection of urogenital system and the identical infection of parieto-occipital parts of brain pertaining to senso-motor cortex.
The quantity of mercury deposit in tissues, whose concentration was measured, indicated that the primary infection was in genitourinary system. Likewise, the anamnesis confirmed that initial symptoms were those related to genital and urinary tract infections and they preceded the neurological symptoms. While talking with patients and their sexual partners, we have learnt that one of them was regularly promiscuous.
All patients had mixed infection. The underlying infection was caused by Chlamydia trachomatis found in all patients and associated with other communicable agents. Four patients had Ebstein bar virus, two had CMV, two had HSV 2, three had associated CMV and HSV 2, and one patient had associated CNW+HSV 2+HSV 6; eleven patients had Candida albicans; one patient had Naiseria gonorrhoe, seven had E.Colli, two Enterobacter aerogenes, and two Staphilococcus aureus+E.Colli.
DISCUSSION: This BDORT findings indicate that it is possible to make an early diagnosis and at that etiologic diagnosis in neurological patients; having all this in mind, standard laboratory test should be performed for verification of the results and causal treatment directed against the causes and not symptoms of a diseases should be applied. Likewise, the results suggest that the infection is transmitted by sexual contact, therefore, the development and spread of the diseases may be prevented by education of population in terms of using the preventive mechanic devices and changing the lifestyle.
◎ 一言要約。ALS=筋萎縮性側索硬化症とMS=多発性硬化症の患者を、
❶ ALSもMSも、泌尿生殖器と脳の知覚運動野(頭頂後頭葉)に感染が見られた。
❶ 水銀の蓄積も見られた。
❶ 初期感染は泌尿生殖器であり、問診からも初期の泌尿生殖器の症状が確認できた。
❶ 患者との話から、性パートナーの一方は、性的に放縦と分かった。
❷ すべての患者は混合感染を示した。基礎感染として、すべての患者に
❷ 4名はエプスタイン・バーウイルス(EBウイルス)感染。2名はサイトメガロウイルス(CMV)感染。
2名はヘルペスウイルスHSV-2。 3名はCMVとHSV-2の混合感染。1名はCMV+HSV2+HSV&の感染。
❸ BDORT的検索から、ALSもMSも性感染症であることを示しています。教育を通して、
■ 上記の3つの論文から見えることは、電磁波で弱った脳神経系に、上記人類に広がっている
■ 従って治療は
❶ 出来るだけ電磁波を避ける。何度もブログに書いています。
❷ 免疫を強化する。特に乳酸菌の一種=エンテロコッカス・フェカーリス製剤を飲む。
❸ 抗生物質や抗真菌剤、抗ウイルス剤等を投与する。
❹ 水銀を排泄する、デトックスを行う。パクチー=コリアンダーを食べるか飲む。
❺ 性パートナーとの関係などを再考慮する。
■ つまり、今までの私の総合的治療法(BDORT的)に、特別な現代治療薬
■ まず❸の前に❶❷❹を試すと良いでしょう。しかし❸は今の医学では難しいかも
■ だから難病なのです。しかし信じるあなたは救われるかもしれません。
Epidemiology. 2003 Jul;14(4):420-6; discussion 427-8.
Neurodegenerative diseases in welders and other workers exposed to high levels of magnetic fields.
Håkansson N1, Gustavsson P, Johansen C, Floderus B.
Previous work has suggested an increase in risk of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Alzheimer's disease among workers exposed to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields (ELF-MF). We evaluated the relation between ELF-MF from occupational exposures and mortality from neurodegenerative diseases.
The study was based on a cohort of Swedish engineering industry workers, comprising 537,692 men and 180,529 women. The cohort was matched against the 3 most recent censuses and The Causes of Death Registry. Levels of ELF-MF exposure were obtained by linking occupation according to the censuses to a job exposure matrix. We used 4 levels of exposure and considered both the primary and contributing causes of death, 1985-96.
The risk of Alzheimer's disease as primary or contributing cause of death increased with increasing exposure to ELF-MF among both men and women, with a relative risk (RR) of 4.0 and a 95% confidence interval (95% CI) of 1.4-11.7 in the highest exposure group for both sexes combined. There was a RR of 2.2 (95% CI: 1.0-4.7) for ALS in the highest exposure group with the suggestion of an exposure-response relationship. No evidence of increased risk was seen for Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis.
The findings support previous observations of an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease and ALS among employees occupationally exposed to ELF-MF. Further studies based on morbidity data are warranted.
Comment in
Occupational exposures and neurodegenerative diseases. [Epidemiology. 2004]
◎ 一言要約。スェーデンのおける、機械工業作業員、537692人の男性、180529人の女性の
★ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20189317
Med Hypotheses. 2010 Jun;74(6):1086-7. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2010.01.033. Epub 2010 Feb 26.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease) is caused by electric currents applied to or induced in the body: it is an iatrogenic disease of athletes caused by use of electrotherapy devices.
Milham S.
◎ 一言要約。
★ http://www.encognitive.com/node/4730
Are Multiple Sclerosis And Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Sexually Transmitted Diseases?
Tagged: Multiple Sclerosis
Mornir Dunjic M.D., M.Sc., Cert. ORT-MD (I Dan); Assist. Prof. School of Medicine Pristina. Head of Department of Gynecological Endocrinology OB/GYN Clinic Pristina.
Milan Jevremovic M.D., Ph.D., Prof. Emeritus School of Medicine Belgrade; Editor-in-chief International Journal of Thymology.
Biljana Dunjic M.D. Department of Neonatology, OB/GYN Clinic Pristina.
Nenad Sulovic M.D., M.Sc., Assist. Prof. School of Medicine Pristina. Head of Department of High Risk Pregnancy, OB/GYN Clinic Pristina.
Slobodan Dunjic M.D., M.Sc., Pharmaceutical Company "Zorka Pharma".
Miodrag Stanisic, M.D., Department of Surgery, Clinical Center Pristina.
INTRODUCTION: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is one of the most frequently seen neurological diseases, with unknown etiology and unpredictable course. Amyotrophic Laterasl Sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive fatal neuromuscular condition affecting nerve pathway, and brain and spinal cord cells.
MATERIAL AND METHOD: Two patients with ALS and 10 patients with MS were examined by indirect Bi-Digital O-Ring Test (BDORT), based on the original work by Prof. Omura Y. Patients were between 26 and 46 years of age. Out of ALS patients, one was male and another was female. Two patients with MS were males, while 8 were females. The slides (ORT Life Research Laboratory-Japan and Carolina Biological Supply-USA) as well as various drugs used to determine the types of infections were utilized as referential substances for examination, such as:
EPA/DHA capsule 180/120 mg (MIC Epa, USA) for determination of viral infections;
Ampicillin 500 mg (Krka, Slovenia) for aerobe bacterial infections;
Orvagyl (metronidazol) 400 mg (ICN-Galenika Yugoslavia) for anaerobe infections;
Mycoseb (ketocoriazole) 200 mg (Zorka Pharma, Yugoslavia) for determination of fungal infections, especially caused by Candida albicans.
RESULTS: According to findings obtained by indirect BDORT all patients with ALS and MS were found to have infection of urogenital system and the identical infection of parieto-occipital parts of brain pertaining to senso-motor cortex.
The quantity of mercury deposit in tissues, whose concentration was measured, indicated that the primary infection was in genitourinary system. Likewise, the anamnesis confirmed that initial symptoms were those related to genital and urinary tract infections and they preceded the neurological symptoms. While talking with patients and their sexual partners, we have learnt that one of them was regularly promiscuous.
All patients had mixed infection. The underlying infection was caused by Chlamydia trachomatis found in all patients and associated with other communicable agents. Four patients had Ebstein bar virus, two had CMV, two had HSV 2, three had associated CMV and HSV 2, and one patient had associated CNW+HSV 2+HSV 6; eleven patients had Candida albicans; one patient had Naiseria gonorrhoe, seven had E.Colli, two Enterobacter aerogenes, and two Staphilococcus aureus+E.Colli.
DISCUSSION: This BDORT findings indicate that it is possible to make an early diagnosis and at that etiologic diagnosis in neurological patients; having all this in mind, standard laboratory test should be performed for verification of the results and causal treatment directed against the causes and not symptoms of a diseases should be applied. Likewise, the results suggest that the infection is transmitted by sexual contact, therefore, the development and spread of the diseases may be prevented by education of population in terms of using the preventive mechanic devices and changing the lifestyle.
◎ 一言要約。ALS=筋萎縮性側索硬化症とMS=多発性硬化症の患者を、
❶ ALSもMSも、泌尿生殖器と脳の知覚運動野(頭頂後頭葉)に感染が見られた。
❶ 水銀の蓄積も見られた。
❶ 初期感染は泌尿生殖器であり、問診からも初期の泌尿生殖器の症状が確認できた。
❶ 患者との話から、性パートナーの一方は、性的に放縦と分かった。
❷ すべての患者は混合感染を示した。基礎感染として、すべての患者に
❷ 4名はエプスタイン・バーウイルス(EBウイルス)感染。2名はサイトメガロウイルス(CMV)感染。
2名はヘルペスウイルスHSV-2。 3名はCMVとHSV-2の混合感染。1名はCMV+HSV2+HSV&の感染。
❸ BDORT的検索から、ALSもMSも性感染症であることを示しています。教育を通して、
■ 上記の3つの論文から見えることは、電磁波で弱った脳神経系に、上記人類に広がっている
■ 従って治療は
❶ 出来るだけ電磁波を避ける。何度もブログに書いています。
❷ 免疫を強化する。特に乳酸菌の一種=エンテロコッカス・フェカーリス製剤を飲む。
❸ 抗生物質や抗真菌剤、抗ウイルス剤等を投与する。
❹ 水銀を排泄する、デトックスを行う。パクチー=コリアンダーを食べるか飲む。
❺ 性パートナーとの関係などを再考慮する。
■ つまり、今までの私の総合的治療法(BDORT的)に、特別な現代治療薬
■ まず❸の前に❶❷❹を試すと良いでしょう。しかし❸は今の医学では難しいかも
■ だから難病なのです。しかし信じるあなたは救われるかもしれません。